
Hoboken Public Library of Code Conduct

Welcome to the Hoboken Public Library!

We want everyone to have a safe and enjoyable experience at Hoboken Public Library. No one may disrupt or interfere with others’ use or enjoyment of the library, including its facilities, services, and programs, or inhibit or interfere with the work of library staff, or create risk of harm to themselves or others or of damage to library, patron, or staff property.

Acceptable conduct within the library includes activities such as reading, studying, properly using Library materials, attending and participating in library programs, activities and services, all in a manner, which is consistent with the conduct and behavior normally deemed acceptable within a public library.  The following are examples of specific behaviors that are prohibited in the Hoboken Public Library or at any library program, but are not intended to be a complete list:

  • Harassing, threatening, or disturbing patrons or staff members
  • Using, displaying, sharing, selling, or appearing under the influence of illegal drugs, cannabis products, or alcohol
  • Smoking/use of tobacco or cannabis products, e-cigarettes, or vaping devices
  • Use of electronic, digital, or cellular devices in a manner that does, or can reasonably be expected to, disturb others
  • Engaging in sexual activity or lewd behavior
  • Circumventing computer security, timing software, or tampering with the library’s computer network
  • Moving or tampering with furniture or library equipment without permission from library staff or placing feet on tables or chairs
  • Plugging in devices for charging in undesignated charging areas or placing cords or wires in a place or position that does or may create a safety hazard
  • Damaging or marking library materials, premises, or equipment
  • Using restrooms for laundering clothes, bathing, shaving, washing hair, or anything other than their intended purposes
  • Eating food in undesignated areas or drinking beverages from containers without covers (Covered beverages, like water bottles with caps, are permitted.)
  • Soliciting, peddling, selling, or distributing merchandise, services, or printed materials or canvassing or interviewing patrons without written authorization from the library, except as permitted at library programs and events
  • Sleeping in or on Library premises
  • Entering or occupying the library without being fully clothed Offensive body odor.
  • Entering staff-only or other unauthorized areas of the library
  • Loitering, which means to remain in the library without conducting lawful library-related business or activities on the property
  • Leaving personal items unattended
  • Running, rollerblading, roller skating, skateboarding, or using wheeled shoes within the library
  • Failure to follow the reasonable directions of a staff member
  • Animals are prohibited inside the library, except for service animals trained to assist specific individuals, or animals that are part of an approved library program
  • Possession of a weapon, except as permitted by law
  • Violation of any library policy

Bag and Personal Item Policy for Library Patrons

Personal belongings brought into the library should not be left unattended. Unattended items may be removed from library premises. Law enforcement agencies may be called, as appropriate.

Personal belongings should not block or impede any exits, hallways, or other walkways.

The library is not responsible for personal items that are lost, stolen, or damaged on library premises.

Last updated: 01/28/2025


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All Hoboken Public Library locations will be closed on Monday, February 17 in observance of President’s Day.