
You can now check out vinyl records from Hoboken Public Library!

Our collection is always growing!

Call our YA department at (201) 420-2346 x 5104 to find what you’re looking for, or come visit us on the 3rd floor in the Teen Zone.


I don't see an album on the list - can I request it?

Absolutely! We’d love to hear from you and learn how you’d like our collection to grow! Send an email to with the artist name and album name, and we’d be happy to help you out.

I saw an album I wanted on the list, but when I went to find it, it wasn't there!

It’s probably checked out by someone else right now! Just because you see a vinyl on the list, does not mean it is currently available. Check with staff on the 3rd floor in person, or call us at (201) 420-2346 x 5104 if you can’t find what you’re looking for!

How can I listen to the album?

You can check our vinyl records out and take them home with you! You’re welcome to jam out at home on your own record player. If you don’t have your own, keep an eye out – coming in the new year, we’ll have record players available to check out as well!

Can I use the record player in the Teen Zone?

Teens are welcome to use the record player in the Teen Zone! Adults, keep your eyes peeled for our loanable record players coming soon!

I want to place a hold for a vinyl, can I do that?

Right now, our vinyl records are only available to be checked out in person. This may change in the future, but for now, come visit us on the 3rd floor! If you want to make sure we have a record before coming in, feel free to call (201) 420-2346 x 5104 and our staff will do our best to help you out.

I have a different question, who do I ask?

No problem! Email us at and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

updated 5/24/2024 -MS

The Grand Street Branch will be closed on Monday, October 14 for Columbus Day.