

Access World News including America’s News
Find information on topics of interest including business, education, homework help, politics and more from a variety of news media including newspapers, blogs, periodicals, videos and web-only content including the Hudson Reporter Publications, Jersey Journal, Star-Ledger and USA Today.

Heritage Hub 
Heritage Hub (formerly America’s Obituaries & Death Notices) is NewsBank’s large and comprehensive collection of newspaper obituaries and death notices from around the United States. Each obituary or death notice is indexed by the name of the deceased person, to make searching easier and more precise. In addition, the text of each obituary or death notice is searchable, making it easy to find just what you’re looking for using a place of residence, occupation, names of family members, or other personal information.

Hispanic Life in America
Comprehensive coverage of the Hispanic American experience from earliest times to today. Sourced from nearly 17,500 American and global newspapers, including almost 450 Hispanic American newspapers. Provides full-text searching as well as access to content by Topic, Event, and Eras in Hispanic American History.

Black Life in America
The experience and impact of African Americans as recorded by the news media.

Hudson Reporter Publications
Find full-text articles on local news, issues, events, people and much more from archived issues of Hudson Reporter Publications including the Hoboken Reporter. Additional issues of the Hoboken Reporter are available at the library on microfilm and digitized see the history page for more details.

Jersey Journal
Find full-text articles on local news, issues, events, people and much more from current and archived issues of Jersey Journal from 1/16/1999 to 1/2025: . It includes obituaries, editorials, announcements and other sections.

Hoboken Public Library resident card holders have access to PressReader from anywhere in the world, which provides online access to more than 7,000 top newspaper and magazine publications from around the globe on business, tech, science, design, sports, travel and more.  Included are the local newspapers the New York Post, Daily News and El Diario.  Login access is granted in 30 Day increments and is alternately provided without logging in on premise through the Main Building’s WiFi network.

Find information on topics of interest including business, education, homework help, politics and more from a variety of news media including newspapers, blogs, periodicals, videos and web-only content. access in the library access from home for Hoboken Public Library Resident Card Holders.  Email with your HPL barcode or stop by the reference desk for access code good for 72 hours.

Wall Street Journal ( access is provided to Hoboken Public Library Resident Card Holders. Please email us with your library barcode for a link for access.

You can access the Jersey Journal Historical Archive by clicking here. Additional issues of the Jersey Journal are available on microfilm see the history page for more details.

All Hoboken Public Library locations will be closed on Monday, February 17 in observance of President’s Day.