HelpNow: Online Homework Help and The Adult Learning Center
BrainFuse’s HelpNow is a suite of services designed to assist with a range of homework needs, including live, one-to-one homework help between 2 PM-11 PM each day, live New Jersey-aligned skills building (includes Common Core where appropriate), test preparation, and writing assistance. Students can draw or type their question in the online classroom and receive live homework assistance from a tutor who help students master the assignment’s underlying concepts. Students have access to an extensive library of Brainfuse-created lessons, video tutorials, and practice tests including those for the SAT, GED, GRE, and more. Users can archive documents and class notes in their personal CloudPack.
The Adult Learning Center offers skills building and test preparation, and a unique academic skills center featuring live, online tutors. The Adult Learning Center offers both live writing assistance and an intensive writing lab to help users produce business letters, term papers, job resumes, or other writing.
Infobase Resources for Children
The Mailbox Plus
Statista is a global data and business intelligence platform with an extensive collection of statistics, reports, and insights on over 80,000 topics from 22,500 sources in 170 industries. It is a great resource for those looking for statistics and charts for their research papers.
Patrons can access Statista while in any of the libraries branches while using the libraries IP address whether on a library computer or their own device.
Salem Press
Hoboken Library Patrons have some of our Salem Press print books online including:
Critical Survey of Long Fiction at
Milestone Documents in American History
Milestone Documents in African American History
Great Lives from History: The 19th Century
Inventors and Inventions
Great Events from History: The 19th Century
The 20th Century: 1941-1970
The 20th Century: 1971-2000 at
America’s News
Explore a specific issue such as global warming or compare viewpoints on cross-curricular topics. Includes Current Events and Special Reports for research assignments from a variety of news media including newspapers, blogs, periodicals, videos and web-only content including the Hudson Reporter Publications, Jersey Journal, Star-Ledger and USA Today.
BCCLS and the State Library of New Jersey resources for children.
Includes NoveList K-8, Primary Search and MiddleSearch Plus.
BCCLS and the State Library of New Jersey Academic resources.
Includes Academic Search Premier, Biography Collection Complete, ERIC, Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, Gale Biography in Context,Gale Literature Resource Center, Kids Search, Literary Reference Center, MAS (Magazine Articles Summaries) Ultra – School Edition, MasterFile Elite, Middle Search Plus, Points of View Reference Center, Primary Search, Referencia Latina, Student Research Center, Teacher Reference Center.
Free Online Learning with Universal Classes
Learn something new today with over 500 free online courses. Whether you want to prepare for taking the GED or learn to bake, there is a course for you with Universal Classes. Just click on the link at the bottom of the library homepage You can access the service within the library without a library card. Hoboken Public Library Resident Card holders will be able to access the service from home with their library card numbers. You are welcome to enroll in up to 5 non-credit enrichment courses. You have up to 6 months to finish each course. You have access to your course 24/7 via the Internet. The courses are easy to navigate and you can even take a basic introductory class in online learning. Attend class and do assignments on your schedule. Each course has an instructor who you may communicate with using e-mail. So whether it is Microsoft Excel, Creative Writing or Gardening start learning today!