
Hoboken Public Library

Collection Development Policy

Purpose of Policy

The Hoboken Public Library is a community institution dedicated to the concept of fair and equal service for all. This Collection Development Policy provides guidelines for the library staff in their role as selectors of library materials. It also serves as a method of communicating the Library’s principles to the public, the Library’s funders, and other libraries.

Community and Library Profile 

Hoboken, a city in Hudson County, New Jersey, is a vibrant, diverse community, home to The Stevens Institute of Technology, and the center of a busy transportation hub. The city was fully incorporated on March 28, 1855. In 1889 a Board of Trustees was appointed to organize and start a public library, the first public library was opened on October 2, 1890. The current library was built in 1896.

Hoboken serves as a major connecting point between New Jersey and New York via New Jersey transit trains, buses, and the PATH system. It is also a lively residential community which is home (according to the 2018 American Community Survey) to more than 53,211 residents. For more information on Hoboken statistical information, follow this link to

The Hoboken Public Library is managed by a Board of Trustees who are appointed by the Mayor, the Mayor and Superintendent of Schools are ex-officio members of the Board. A Director, who reports to the Board, is responsible for the administration of the library.

The Library consists of two locations: our Main Branch at 500 Park Avenue, and our Grand St. Branch at 124 Grand Street. As of January 2020, the Library housed 82,241 items. The Library’s Special Collections include historical information on the City of Hoboken and the Frank Sinatra Collection.

The Library receives its funding from the City of Hoboken, State aid and grants, as well as from fines, fees, interest, miscellaneous income, and donations.

The Library’s collection consists of Books, Graphic novels, Audiobooks, Music, Console Games, DVD’s, BluRay’s, microfilm, newspapers, periodicals, photographs, pictures, Launchpads and Playaways. The library also offers a robust digital and streaming collection available through resources provided by the State Library of NJ, BCCLS, and purchased by the Hoboken Library. Click here for more information. In addition to providing services to Hoboken residents, the Library is also part of the Bergen County Cooperative Library System (BCCLS), a consortium of 77 libraries throughout Bergen, Hudson,  Essex, and Passaic, providing cardholders access to these collections either in person or through interlibrary loan. Similarly, the Library is also a participating member of Jerseycat, the New Jersey Statewide library catalog allowing Hoboken Public Library cardholders to request items from libraries throughout New Jersey. The Hoboken Public Library is a proud member of LibraryLinkNJ.

Collection Development Mission Statement

The purpose of the Hoboken Public Library collection development policy is to provide a framework for the creation and maintenance of a collection of resources that implements the library’s overall mission, serve the educational, informational, cultural and recreational needs of the community as a whole and to ensure every citizen’s freedom to access all library resources. Expanding areas of knowledge, changing social values, technological advance and cultural differences require flexibility, open-mindedness and responsiveness in the selection, evaluation and re-evaluation of all library resources. 

The Hoboken Public Library seeks to provide a welcoming environment, a qualified staff, a wide variety of materials in all formats, programs for patrons of all ages and access to current technology.  In so doing, the library subscribes to the principles in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, the Library Bill of Rights adopted by the American Library Association, the Freedom to Read Statement of the American Library Association and the American Book Publisher’s Council and the People’s Right to Libraries Statement of the New Jersey Library Association (see appendices). 

Endorsement of the American Library Association policy statement

  • The Board of Trustees hereby adopts and declares that it will adhere to and support the attached American Library Association documents and that the principles therein espoused will guide the development of the Library’s collections.

The library will acquire, make available, and encourage the use of resources to assist individuals in their pursuit of educational objectives, intellectual and emotional growth, and enjoyment of leisure time, and practical solutions to daily problems. The library will strive to anticipate future needs of the community.

The library will acquire:

  1. Source materials and thoughtful interpretations which document and illuminate the past.
  2. Contemporary materials representing various points of view, which are of current interest and possible future significance, including materials which reflect current conditions, trends and controversies.
  3. Materials designed to increase the individual’s ability to function effectively as a productive member of society.
  4. Materials which provide a meaningful aesthetic experience, stimulate the imagination, and increase the individual’s potential for creativity.
  5. Materials, including the experimental or controversial, which extend the individual’s capacity to understand the world in which they live.
  6. Materials which entertain and which enhance the individual’s enjoyment of life.

Responsibility for Selection

Ultimate responsibility for materials selection rests with the Director who works within the framework of policies as established by the Board of Trustees. The selection of materials is the responsibility of the library staff under the supervision of the library director or department heads.

Criteria for Selection

Materials will be selected to meet the informational, educational, and recreational needs and interests of the community. Materials will represent a variety of viewpoints on current and historical issues. Staff will select materials in a variety of formats using published reviews, professional and trade publications, and patron requests and recommendations. General selection criteria for all materials includes anticipated and popular demand, accuracy and currency of information, age appropriateness, cost, historical significance, literary and/or artistic merit, significance of the author, and the strengths and weaknesses of the existing collection. 

While a single standard cannot be applied to each potential item for selection, materials are judged by appropriate criteria. In some instances, these criteria include artistic merit, scholarship, or the value of the material to the informational needs of the community. In other instances, the criterion may be substantial demand. Patron requests will be evaluated based on the above selection criteria as well as the availability of materials in the libraries of the Bergen County Cooperative Library System (BCCLS).

The Library acquires materials in a variety of formats. In some circumstances, the same work may be acquired in more than one format. The Library seeks to serve and reflect the Hoboken community in the development of its collections. While most materials are acquired in English, the Library also acquires materials in other languages, principal among them is Spanish and Russian.

Materials published or released in new formats will be considered for the collection when there is evidence that a significant portion of the local population has the required equipment to make use of the format.  Availability of items in the format, the cost per item, and the Library’s ability to obtain and circulate the items will also be factors in determining when a new format will be acquired.

Self-Published Books Policy

The Hoboken Public Library welcomes the growing opportunities that new self-publishing methods offer local writers for expression. We receive many requests from out of area and local authors to add their self-published books. Typically, these works have not received reviews in standard published sources (Library Journal, Booklist, Kirkus) and may not meet the criteria that the Library normally sets for inclusion in its collections. We desire to support local authors while maintaining the standards needed in the permanent collections and have subsequently set specific guidelines for inclusion of self-published materials. Authors wishing to contribute books to the library must meet the criteria listed below:

Selection Conditions:

Authors must be Hudson County residents, or the book must take place in Hudson County or otherwise demonstrate a strong local interest.

Each book must be approved by the appropriate librarian before being accepted for placement.

Books will be accepted as donations from the author or publisher; however, at the discretion of the Director or Acquisitions Librarians, a book may be considered for purchase if published reviews in standard sources are available or there is strong evidence of appropriateness.

Books will not be purchased at patron request unless they have been reviewed in standard sources. Patrons may donate copies of authors’ self-published books. These will be evaluated in accord with the Library’s gift policy and are not guaranteed inclusion in the collection.

Self-published family histories or other similar genealogical materials will be added to the Special Collection at the discretion of the Local History Librarian or the Director.

Materials that are donated become the property of the Hoboken Public Library and as such cannot be returned to the donor.

Cataloging/Circulation Conditions:

A brief listing for the book will be created in the catalog so that borrowers may access them by title or author.

Books will be processed with a barcode and Hoboken Public Library ownership markings.

Items will be clearly labeled as a local author.

Items will rotate out of the collection and may be withdrawn after one year, unless they have circulated regularly.

Digital Collections

Electronic and digital resources are of increasing importance and popularity with Hoboken Library Patrons. Electronic resources refer to those materials or services that require a computer or another device for access including, but not limited to, numerical, graphical and textual files, electronic journals, ebooks, digital media, bibliographic or full-text databases and Internet resources. Some of these resources, with ebooks picked directly by the staff will observe the same collection policies as print materials.  Resources provided by the State Library of NJ, BCCLS, or other consortiums the Hoboken Public Library participates in as well as vendors that provide base collections of their own for their resources will have items selected by those organization’s individual collection development policies. These collections are subject to vendors and publishers collection development policies and licenses. Issues concerning technology, access, maintenance, vendor support as well as licensing terms are additionally considered for eresources.

General Criteria: 

  1. Relevance to community needs 
  2. Potential and/or known demand for material 
  3. Relative importance in comparison with existing materials in the collection on the same subject. 
  4. Quality of writing, design, illustrations, or production. 
  5. Timeliness and/or permanence of material. 
  6. Suitability of subject, style, format, and reading and/or interest level for the intended audience. 
  7. Reputation of the publisher or producer; authority and significance of the author, composer, etc. 
  8. Reviews 
  9. Availability and accessibility of the same material in BCCLS. 

The following collection development sources may be utilized in the selection process. 

  1. Library Journal 
  2. Publishers Weekly 
  3. Kirkus Reviews 
  4. Booklist
  5. Choice 
  6. School Library Journal 
  7. Best Science Book and Films 
  8. Newspaper & Periodical Book Reviews
  9. Baker & Taylor Bibliographic File 
  10. Library Holdings 
  11. VOYA 
  12. Horn Book
  13. Miscellaneous Sources as Appropriate


The Library welcomes gifts of funds and materials to enrich the collection. New or used donated materials are subject to the same criteria as purchased materials. Gifts of materials are accepted with the understanding that they may be utilized or disposed of at the Library’s discretion.  Monetary gifts will be applied to the selection of materials by the director in consultation with library staff and the donor as appropriate. The Library reserves the right to determine the use and disposition of all gifts unconditionally.

Hoboken Historical Collection 

The Hoboken Historical Collection is a collection of printed source material, both published and archival, as well as micro-formatted printed material. Published materials include: monographs, periodicals, newspapers, as well as government materials from all levels of administration — Federal, State and Municipal. The Hoboken Historical Collection Policy is further outlined (Collection Policy- Historical Collection)

Collection Maintenance

A strong collection requires ongoing evaluation and maintenance. Materials will regularly be weeded from the collection based on the following criteria: outdated or superseded, infrequent use, physical condition, and relevance. When sources become dated and misrepresentative of current knowledge, they are marked for removal from the collection. Replacements and updated editions are purchased when warranted.  Discarded materials may be sold, donated, or recycled as the Library determines.  Standards for materials withdrawal are detailed in the CREW Manual (see appendices).

Reconsideration of Material

Anyone who wishes the Library to reconsider the acquisition or removal of an item must fill out a “Request for Reconsideration of Material” form (see appendices). The request is reviewed by a committee consisting of appropriate department heads. A written response will be sent to the complainant.  If the complainant is not satisfied with the decision, he or she may then appeal in writing to the Director. The Director will review the material and issue a response.  If the complainant is still not satisfied, he or she may appeal to the Board of Trustees. The decision of the Board is final. Above all, the Board of Trustees has as its concern the fairness of such a hearing so as to protect the rights of all who are involved.


Approved by Hoboken Public Library Board of Trustees 11/24/2020

Hoboken Public LibraryHoboken Public Library logo
500 Park Avenue (Main Branch)
124 Grand Street (Grand St. Branch) Hoboken, NJ 07030


Resident Request for Reconsideration of Library Material

The Trustees of Hoboken Public Library have established a materials selection policy and a procedure for gathering input about its collections and resources. Completion of this form is the first step in that procedure. For a request to be considered, you must be a resident of Hoboken, New Jersey. Please complete all fields, sign at the bottom, and return to the library. Unsigned forms will not be considered. Any person not satisfied with the action taken may appeal in writing to the Board of Trustees.

Name __________________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________

City ____________________________ State/Zip _______________________

Phone __________________________ Email __________________________

Do you represent yourself? ____ or an organization? ____

Name of organization



  1. Resource on which you are commenting:

___ Book (e-book) ___ Movie ___ Magazine ___ Audio Recording ___ Program

___ Digital Resource ___ Game ___ Newspaper ___ Display ___ Booklist

___ Social Media Post ___Other

Title _________________________________________________________________



  1. What brought this resource to your attention?




  1. Have you examined the entire resource? If not, what sections did you review?




  1. What concerns you about the resource?





  1. Are there resource(s) you suggest that would provide additional information and/or

other viewpoints?





  1. What action are you requesting the library to consider? 




Signed and dated _______________________________________________________


Approved by the Hoboken Public Library Board of Trustees 10/25/22