
Hoboken Public Library Program Policy

The Hoboken Public Library connects people with each other, ideas, and opportunities to support lifelong learning, personal growth, and community development.

The Program Policy, approved by the Library Board of Trustees, outlines our approach as it pertains to programming. The policy assures that programming at Hoboken Public Library reflects community needs, as determined through ongoing methods of outreach, community engagement, feedback, and needs assessment.

Programs at Hoboken Public Library serve the popular, recreational, informational, and social needs of the general public and reflect equitable outreach to and engagement with a diverse community while promoting a culture of inclusion. These programs support our strategic initiatives and community-building goals, and extend our collections and services.

Hoboken Public Library supports free and open access to information and ideas as stated in the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to View policies of the American Library Association. (Refer to E-3, Library Bill of Rights and E-5, Freedom to View).

Library sponsorship of a program does not constitute an endorsement of the content of the program or the views expressed by presenters or participants. The library does not offer programs that are purely commercial or religious in nature.

Criteria for program selection and design include:
● Advancement of library’s mission, vision, and value
● Servicing of area demographics
● Alignment with Strategic Plan
● Relevance to the needs and interests of the community
● Current demand and frequency
● Accuracy and timeliness of content
● Availability elsewhere
● Continuous evaluation to maintain programming vitality and usefulness to the community
● Cost and budget considerations

The Library reserves the right to not schedule a program and/or cancel a scheduled program.

Adopted by the Hoboken Public Library Board of Trustees
September 27, 2022